Monday, October 13, 2008

Now what?

For those of you who don't know me very well...I love to read. I love reading. But, now that I am finished with the Twilght books, what do I read now? Now what? Nothing I tell you. After them, there is nothing that compares. I will have to start my love of reading all over again.
See Spot run......
See Dick play. See Jan laugh.....
Other news: I know you don't believe us, but Scott and I actually did get a lot out of conference, regardless of the wonderful picture of us on Stephanie's blog. Just for the record.
I have been able to get a job. You are looking at the new ICS member of the Wal-mart group. Yipee. Pretty much I get to walk around and fix everything. I am a perfectionist so getting paid over $10 to work on my OCD is great. And because everywhere in Vernal is hard pressed for people to work, I got to pick my own hours. So that was wonderful.
Scott and I are going to have a haunted dinner Halloween party. If any of you have any ideas for scary dishes that I can serve to four men who work hard labor jobs (translation: very hungry boys) and their wives, it would be awesome!!


The Merk-ster said...

I didn't know you have a blog! And I want to know what the cool tent was that you took camping.

The Wessman Family said...

I saw your blog on Steph and Wig's site and had to peek. Just a suggestion: the Uglies series by scott westerfeld. I really liked those and I didn't get bored with them like every other book I have read since twilight! :)